
Reasons You Should Be Doing Sticker Giveaways

Photo by: Lu • Art // Tattoo Getting your new business off the ground can be quite a challenge. Among these, none is more daunting than having to build your brand from scratch. There are tons of effective methods for you to market your products and brand. A popular one involves giving away freebies and doing some giveaways. Now, giving away free stuff may sound like a terrible idea at first. There’s actually a lot of benefits from doing so, turning it into a win-win for you and the customers. But the question now becomes: what should you give away? Some companies get free samples of their products, especially food items. What we recommend, though, is something much simpler: free stickers . These tools are fantastic as they bring a lot to the table. In our blog today, we will be talking about them. We will give you some reasons why you should be doing sticker giveaways and more.  Here’s why you should be doing it: Create Content To Share A sticker is an item that’s inherently sharable

How You Can Craft the Perfect Sticker Label

Here’s a question: What is the most important part of any product? The packaging? The brand? It’s the label. Studies show how much labels can influence a customer's choice of food and other similar products. It is the one thing that they look out for when they are buying things in the store or when they order a product online. Without a proper one, the item is not going to sell as both the customer and the law won’t allow it. If you are planning to start a business, you’ll need to know all that you can so you can produce a product label . There is a lot that goes into making one. You just can’t slap your logo on the thing and call it a day. You need to have put a lot of time and effort into creating it so it meets both customer and industry standards.  Our guide will give you all of the information you need about labels and how to create the best one. Prioritise Readability and Clarity  The most important rule for labels is making sure that it is clear and readable. People look to

Minimalism or Maximalism: What Type of Packaging Should You Use

Since the dawn of humankind, art, and design has played an important part in shaping the world as we know it. Today, businesses use carefully designed brands to succeed in the industry they are in. Having a great packaging design can mean all the difference while selling a product. Today, we are going to talk about a classic debate: Minimalism vs Maximalism. “Packaging separates your brand from the rest of the competition” - Linkedin Depending on what kind of business you are in, you will want to design your packaging in a particular way. But, what approach should you take? This guide will talk about the difference between minimalism and maximalism and what advantage each one has over the other. You can use this information to help you decide on what design philosophy you’re going to take. What Is Minimalism? First, let’s learn about what minimalism is. Emerging in the 1960s, this design philosophy is rooted in the Modernist movement of art. The mantra of this style is “less is more”

5 Best Explanations Why Labelling a Mason Jar is Essential (in General)

  Are you fond of using a Mason jar for personal, DIY craft projects, or business purposes? So you understand the importance of putting a label on it, right? Labelling item helps you identify things. It provides specific information to give you or the people around you awareness about what it contains. Design is also extremely important. You can collaborate with your designer or find tips online to create a great label. Say you were using the jar for home canning . Labelling includes crucial details such as the date of the food being processed and when is its expiry date. Fun facts: Did you know that John L. Mason, the inventor of the Mason jar, invented the cap first? The jar came after that. See the photo below of what the first Mason Jar looked like. Photo by: Country Living Since there are plenty of ways to use the jar, custom stickers are a great labelling solution. You can also check this out to help you with How to Make Labels for Mason Jars . Listed below are the five best exp

How to Create Personalized Wine Bottle Labels Using in Canva

Last updated on July 28, 2023 If you are fond of giving personalized items for special events such as birthdays, weddings, and balls, giving away wine bottles with custom labels can be a great souvenir for attendees. Your guests will find this gesture so cool and be glad to be part of it.  Deliver your message with personalized wine labels . Here are the following steps on how to create them.  Determine what design you like After deciding on the perfect bottle of wine to give away, you can create the ideal label that fits your liking.  It is better to brainstorm and reassess the following factors: what you are celebrating, the theme of the party, and the concept for the label (funny, formal, or fancy). Write these things down or discuss them with your family and friends. The more ideas, the better. Design your ideal label If you do not have a background in design but do not want to spend extra to hire a professional, you can look for an online design platform that offers free templates

How to Label Wines With Custom Stickers

In every household, there will always be wine to warm guests or to drink on special occasions. Wine will always be a household staple and if you are dreaming of owning a wine business, take this sign to start living the dream. Before starting your own business, you need to formulate the right product labels that will persuade your customers to purchase them. Ever since the wine business’s sales skyrocketed, independent winemakers are thriving too and it can be difficult to stand out. Don’t worry, we’re here to help you create the right sticker design for your wine products.  Choosing the right colors  Before choosing the right set of colors for your labels, you need to know that wine bottles have a particular color that is responsible for preserving the wine’s quality. For instance, dark green bottles are used for red wines that help it from oxidation and keep out the sunlight while white wines are poured into clear or light-colored bottles because it is usually kept in refrigerators.

Get Loyal Customers to Your Coffee Shop With Stickers

Last updated on Jun 28, 2023 One of the things that will keep your coffee shop’s revenue flowing and in good shape is your loyal customers. If you own a coffee shop and you want to get more repeat customers in a cost-efficient way, you can use stickers to keep your customers coming back for more of your services and products. Want to know how you can do it? Here are simple things you can do to increase customer loyalty.  Reward your customers Having a reward system for your customers will keep them loyal to your coffee shop. With reward stickers, you can use them to give your customers discounts, gifts, and offers. Loyalty programs are the easiest technique to make your customers feel appreciated and that will drive them to choose your coffee shop over anyone else. For a more fun way of rewarding them, you can tell them to collect more reward labels, and the more labels they collect, the bigger the rewards your customers will get. Offer exclusive deals You should commemorate current e

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