Reasons You Should Be Doing Sticker Giveaways

Photo by: Lu • Art // Tattoo Getting your new business off the ground can be quite a challenge. Among these, none is more daunting than having to build your brand from scratch. There are tons of effective methods for you to market your products and brand. A popular one involves giving away freebies and doing some giveaways. Now, giving away free stuff may sound like a terrible idea at first. There’s actually a lot of benefits from doing so, turning it into a win-win for you and the customers. But the question now becomes: what should you give away? Some companies get free samples of their products, especially food items. What we recommend, though, is something much simpler: free stickers . These tools are fantastic as they bring a lot to the table. In our blog today, we will be talking about them. We will give you some reasons why you should be doing sticker giveaways and more.  Here’s why you should be doing it: Create Content To Share A sticker is an item that’s inherently sharable

How to Create Personalized Wine Bottle Labels Using in Canva

Last updated on July 28, 2023

If you are fond of giving personalized items for special events such as birthdays, weddings, and balls, giving away wine bottles with custom labels can be a great souvenir for attendees. Your guests will find this gesture so cool and be glad to be part of it. 

Deliver your message with personalized wine labels. Here are the following steps on how to create them. 

Determine what design you like

After deciding on the perfect bottle of wine to give away, you can create the ideal label that fits your liking. 

It is better to brainstorm and reassess the following factors: what you are celebrating, the theme of the party, and the concept for the label (funny, formal, or fancy). Write these things down or discuss them with your family and friends. The more ideas, the better.

Design your ideal label

If you do not have a background in design but do not want to spend extra to hire a professional, you can look for an online design platform that offers free templates to personalize and make your own. Canva is a user-friendly design platform where you can explore different compelling templates for your customized wine label. 

To get started, here is a step-by-step guide on how to design your wine label using Canva, following a similar process used in creating Thank You stickers:

Step 1: Log in to Canva 

Click the “login” button and start typing your email address and password. You can also use your Facebook or Google account credentials as an alternative.

Step 2: Look for wine label templates and choose the best one you like.

Step 3: You can now edit text and elements.

Step 4: Download the file image 

Once satisfied with your design, you can download the file image by clicking the download icon. Take note that if you are not a Canva Pro user, you can download it for PNG, JPEG, and PDF only.

Step 5: Finish

There you have it. The artwork is good to go!

Give it to the nearest printing company 

Once you feel good about your design, you can finally send your artwork to a local sticker printing company near you. 

When it comes to choosing one, you should make sure that they’ve been in the industry for years now. They provide proofing services, wherein they can reassess your artwork if it is ready for printing production. This will assure you that you get your money’s worth. 

You can read our blog on removing wine labels as a guide on replacing the labeling for your wine gifts.


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